Here Are The Answers to 10 Myths from Smokers Who Don't Want to Stop Smoking

Here Are The Answers to 10 Myths from Smokers Who Don't Want to Stop Smoking
Many people don't want to stop smoking because they hold on to assumptions that are not necessarily true. Even though they actually believe that quitting smoking is something that is very valuable for their health. However, they are also aware that cigarette smoke can disturb the people around them and even endanger other people's health. However, what is strange is that most cigarette addicts make their own assumptions or myths to justify their actions with various cliche and ironic reasons.

The following are some myths that you may have heard or perhaps believe to be true?

Myth 1: Quitting smoking can make your body sick ?!.

Quitting smoking can make your body sick ?!.
Fact: People who are used to smoking large amounts of cigarettes over a long period of time generally experience nicotine addiction. This causes smokers who stop smoking to experience certain conditions such as headaches, coughs, constipation, anxiety, or fatigue. 

This condition is a common situation and will improve in a matter of weeks. So these symptoms are not a disease! , but the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will improve over time. 

So your body will receive the best effects in the next few weeks. So it is a big mistake if there are people who think that quitting smoking will make the body sick. So that's not true at all!

Myth 2: "I've been smoking for so long that it's too late to repair the damage that's been done so I might as well smoke forever, isn't my body already damaged?!"

Fact: It's never too late to stop smoking ! . Damage to the health of body organs due to smoking is accumulative. The longer a person smokes, the higher the negative impacts it will cause and continue to increase. This is very dangerous.

Based on research, a person's risk of experiencing bad health due to smoking can be reduced by up to 90 percent if he stops smoking before turning 35 years old. In just a month, the breathing process will feel more optimal. In addition, a smoker who has stopped smoking for a year can reduce his risk of having a heart attack by up to 50 percent.

So, stop assuming that!! , because it is never too late to improve yourself and your life. If your body is still alive, your body has the right to be healthy again if this strong desire comes from your good intentions.

Myth 3: The risk of smoking will decrease by switching to cigarette products labeled "mild" or "light". So as long as you smoke with MILD then it's not dangerous!

The risk of smoking will decrease by switching to cigarette products labeled "mild" or "light"
Fact: Each cigarette manufacturer has different standards regarding levels that can be called high and low. A smoker who switches to a product that claims to contain low tar and nicotine will feel that he has reduced the harm of cigarettes. 

Actually not really! ...

Without realizing it, smokers with nicotine addiction will automatically increase the number of cigarettes they smoke in a day and inhale each cigarette more deeply to get a certain level of effect or satisfaction. Therefore, whatever type of cigarette it will have the same bad impact.

Myth 4: I already do other healthy habits that can reduce the consequences of smoking. Such as exercising and eating healthy food. So it doesn't matter if I still smoke! .

Fact: Smoking can damage internal body organs. You cannot try to reduce this damage by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as exercising regularly and consuming nutritious foods. Still, if you don't stop smoking, there is a very big chance that your body will get nicotine poisoning.

Myth 5: Smoking will not harm anyone other than the smoker.

Fact: Did you know?! . In fact, people who do not smoke but are exposed to cigarette smoke, known as passive smokers, have a 30 percent higher risk of developing cancer than those who are not exposed to cigarette smoke. Apart from that, passive smokers are also threatened with lung disorders, on the other hand, they also have the risk of developing ischemic heart disease caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. So don't take this problem as trivial!

Myth 6: Trying to quit smoking causes stress which is also bad for your health.

Fact: Quitting smoking initially makes the perpetrator feel stressed. But this perceived stress generally does not last long and does not have a long-term impact on smokers who are trying to quit. However, over time, people who stop smoking will also start exercising and eating healthier and will feel better about themselves.


Myth 7: Smoking makes you gain weight and that is unhealthy.

Smoking makes you gain weight and that is unhealthy.
Fact: Nicotine in cigarettes can increase calorie burning in the body and increase the body's metabolic rate, thereby reducing body weight. In fact, people who stop smoking have the potential to gain weight. This increase can occur because when someone stops smoking, the body's metabolism returns to normal. This change is a healthy thing because the body is no longer forced to work excessively. Therefore, if you stop smoking then re-exercise your body with positive activities. Like exercising for example. This will maintain your body's stability well.

Myth 8: I have failed to quit smoking. Now there's no point in trying anymore.

Fact: Many smokers finally succeed in quitting smoking after repeated attempts. Every time you fail, you learn from the mistake and try another tactic, getting closer to success. Try learning about the most effective ways to quit smoking. One of the most influential is environmental factors.

Myth 9: Quitting smoking will make me lose friends.

Quitting smoking will make me lose friends.
Fact: Many smokers are reluctant to quit because they are afraid of losing other friends who also smoke. But in reality, not all smoking friends will behave like that. On the contrary, if you explain your reasons for quitting, your friends may support you and even be encouraged to try to quit with you. Don't let your feelings be played with for reasons that actually make you look stupid.

Missing the moment of smoking with fellow smokers can initially make you feel lonely. But by quitting smoking you also get the opportunity to make new friends. You can do things that were previously difficult to do, such as swimming or cycling long distances without panting. You can find friends in a new area who are healthier and supportive of your new lifestyle.

Think positive friends!

Myth 10: If I quit smoking, I won't be creative anymore.

Fact: Many people can work without smoking. Difficulty being creative can arise from stress or symptoms experienced during the early stages of quitting smoking. Remember that this condition is only temporary. The benefits of quitting smoking are much greater and longer than the stress or temporary symptoms. You can also distract yourself with other activities that equally stimulate creativity such as discussing, taking a walk, or watching a movie.

So, those are 10 reasons for myths which in our opinion are very easy to refute and refute clearly and clearly. 

Now it's your turn, are you still a smoker with the false myths above? 

Or are you starting to realize your mistakes and look more wisely at your life ? . 

Life is a choice . 

Choose the best ! .

How Quit Smoking

Here Are The Answers to 10 Myths from Smokers Who Don't Want to Stop Smoking Here Are The Answers to 10 Myths from Smokers Who Don't Want to Stop Smoking Reviewed by irvan mulya on 10:17 AM Rating: 5

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