Smoking is something bad that nowadays has become a poison that kills many human lives. Many people try their best to quit smoking addiction. Many of them are aware of the dangers posed by a cigarette. We should make an example of the efforts of those who want to quit smoking. Some of them are world figures or world artists who have become public figures, many of whom woke up and finally succeeded in quitting smoking. I don't mean to patronize or show off other people's personal profiles, but we should be able to take the good side of their stories about quitting smoking.
The following world figures and artists have quit smoking.
Barack Obama
The former president of the United States smoked for more than 30 years and struggled to quit several times, but it was difficult for him to stop smoking. He even admitted that he had been addicted since he was a teenager and had struggled greatly to stop smoking.
He finally succeeded in 2010 with the help of nicotine gum and the encouragement of his wife Michelle. Barack Obama's process of quitting smoking was not easy, but he managed to overcome his addiction with the help of various strategies and support. Here are some important points from his trip:
- He started smoking as a teenager and smoked for more than 30 years.
- He promised his wife Michelle that he would quit if she allowed him to run for president.
- He used nicotine gum and his wife's encouragement to help him quit.
- She also relies on her will and desire to be a good role model for her daughters.
- He admits, sometimes he falls and struggles with appetite and stress.
- He finally managed to quit in 2010, after several attempts1.
- He said that quitting was one of the best decisions he ever made for his health and well-being.
This man, who has reached the age of 61, admits that he is still struggling to maintain his decision to be free from smoking. In fact, in 2009, Obama passed an anti-smoking law as an effort to protect future generations from the dangers of smoking.
Quitting smoking is a challenge, but it can be done and is rewarding
Jennifer Aniston
The famous actress and producer, smoked for 20 years and quit in 2012. She said that quitting was one of the hardest things she ever did, but also one of the best. He used yoga, meditation, and therapy to overcome cravings and the stress of quitting smoking. Jennifer Aniston is a famous actress who starred in the popular sitcom Friends and many films.
She started smoking as a teenager and continued the habit for years, even after becoming a health-conscious yoga enthusiast. He tried to stop several times, but found it very difficult. He once said that nicotine was harder to quit than heroin.
However, in 2012, he finally managed to quit smoking for good, with the help of yoga, hypnosis and a strict diet. She also stopped consuming caffeine and alcohol, and focused on eating organic foods and drinking lots of water. He said that quitting smoking made him feel healthier, happier and more energetic. She also claims that it improves her skin and hair, and makes her look younger.
Jon Hamm
Hamm is one of the many celebrities who has successfully quit smoking and shared his story with the public. He plays a chain smoker in the TV show Mad Men, but he uses herbal cigarettes instead of tobacco. He said that quitting was a “nightmare”, but he was motivated by his health and that of his family.
Paul Rudd
He also admitted that he had struggled for approximately 13 years to stop his addiction to tobacco.
The actor who played Scott Lang in the film "Ant-Man" finally chose hypnotherapy as a way to stop smoking.
He was even very impressed with the current results and also advised cigarette users to use the same method to stop smoking addiction.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Who would have thought that Gwyneth Paltrow was a heavy smoker when she was a teenager. This 50 year old actress could even consume two packs of cigarettes a day at that time, you know. The actor who plays Pepper Potts in the film "Iron Man" finally decided to quit his smoking addiction after finding out that he was pregnant with his first daughter, Apple Martin. It cannot be denied that his love for his family can be a way to stop smoking naturally.
Prince Harry
This British prince quit smoking after meeting his wife, Meghan Markle, who is a vegan and adherent of a healthy lifestyle. He also said that quitting smoking made him fitter and ready to become a father
The Duke of Sussex, who recently released a book entitled "Spare", is known to have asked for professional help, namely a royal nutritional advisor, to improve his diet, lose weight and also quit smoking.
Keith Richards
Is a famous singer and songwriter who is used to smoking, consuming 25 cigarettes a day. He quit smoking in 2011 after undergoing surgery for a vocal cord hemorrhage that threatened to permanently damage his voice. He said he feared for his life and did not want to leave his son who was suffering from a smoking-related disease. She also reduced her sugar intake and started exercising, but she didn't eliminate carbs. She says that she doesn't enjoy going to the gym and she's not trying to be a size zero. He also said that quitting smoking may have weakened his voice, but he does not regret his decision.
These are some inspiring stories from world figures and artists who have quit smoking. We should be able to learn lessons from their life stories that inspire the world.

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