"Quitting smoking at any age can still increase the life expectancy of a person, even though he was 90 years old (very old) still quit smoking is beneficial," said Dr. Aulia Sani, SpJP (K), FJCC, FIHA, FAsCC in gathering Joint media Defeat Nicotine Addiction Clinic stopped smoking at Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital on Wednesday (13-7/2011).
Dr. Aulia said the sooner someone stops smoking, the benefits gained will be greater, such as cough becomes lost, would be more productive in their work and also improve the quality of life.
In addition to stopping smoking can also delay or stop the deaths. Known to reduce cholesterol could delay or prevent up to 4710 deaths, reduce blood pressure could delay or prevent up to 7235, while quitting smoking can delay or stop until the 24 680 deaths.
"This is because smoking is a cause of disease
and death can be prevented, so quitting smoking can stop the greater mortality, "said the doctor who was born in Bagan Siapi-fire 65 years ago.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sylvia D Elvira, SpKJ (K) said strong motivation and remember the goals you want to accomplish two things are important in determining the success of a person to quit smoking.
"If you want to quit smoking but still filled with a smoking environment, then reinforced the motivation that will be owned and continues to remind the goal to stop smoking," said the doctor who practices at Memorial Hospital Sahirman Sahid, Jakarta.
Dr. Sylvia adding people who want to quit smoking are expected to learn not to be susceptible, although the environment taunting but brace yourself for saying 'No, I want to quit smoking'.
Stop Smoking Clinic
Currently not many hospitals have special clinics to help someone quit smoking, one of which contained at Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital. The clinic was established because based on the results of medical check-ups to the 2654 note that 31 percent of people smoke and 94 percent of them have chronic illnesses.
"One of the suggestions given to employees who smoke and have chronic diseases is to quit smoking. To quit smoking is required thorough and selective therapy," said Dr. Harry A Alamudin, MA as Director of Medical SSMH.
In this clinic participants will be getting pharmacologic therapy (drug delivery) and also non-pharmacological (counseling with physicians, sharing with other participants as well as counseling by phone).
Smoking cessation programs include counseling with the doctor 4 times, 3 times with psychiatric counseling, drug therapy, the sharing session involving all participants, motivator and doctors are concerned. To follow this smoking cessation program participants are charged Rp 3.718 million and lasted for 3 months
Stop Smoking Although age has been very old
Reviewed by irvan mulya
11:05 PM

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