Marijuana or better known as marijuana is a type of psychotropic substance. This plant can stimulate nerves and affect brain function. As a result, someone who uses marijuana will feel effects in the form of euphoria, illusions and hallucinations.
This plant consists of three types, namely Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. Cannabis sativa is the type of marijuana that is most often abused. Usually, it is used as a cigarette to be smoked.
In Indonesia itself, this plant is still illegal considering its negative impacts. However, various countries have legalized marijuana for medical purposes.
Here are some of the negative impacts of marijuana
1. Disrupts brain function
Using too much marijuana can interfere with thinking ability. You can also experience memory loss and hampered brain function. The reason is, this plant is able to trigger certain structural changes in the brain.
According to research, the brain structures that can experience changes due to psychotropic substances are the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex (PFC), and cerebellum. The impacts include decreased cognitive function, deficits in verbal learning, decreased memory (memory).
2. Damages the lungs
So far, tobacco in cigarettes has been predicted to be the main factor in lung damage. This effect comes from the tar content, namely chemical particles that appear during the burning process of cigarettes.
In fact, the tar content in this plant is almost three times higher than in tobacco cigarettes. The smoke created from burning marijuana also contains much higher levels of cancer-causing substances than regular cigarette smoke.
As a result, the risk of lung cancer can be higher in people who use marijuana for a long time.
Lung problems resulting from marijuana use include airway obstruction, lung hyperinflation, chronic bronchitis, respiratory infections and pneumonia.
3. Disrupts mental health
Excessive marijuana use can also disrupt mental health. Because, this plant has been proven to trigger symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations, illusions and euphoria. Gradually, these symptoms can develop into schizophrenia.
Not only that, users also tend to be anxious and easily experience panic attacks. In the long term, this effect can make it difficult for a person to sleep, experience mood swings and reduced appetite.
In very severe cases, users can experience bipolar disorder and behavior leading to suicide.
4. Lowers the immune system
Marijuana can weaken the immune system. Research also shows that marijuana can increase the risk of diseases that weaken the immune system, such as HIV/AIDS.
Decreased immunity can make it more difficult for the body to fight infections. As a result, users of this psychotropic plant are susceptible to contracting disease or have difficulty recovering from an illness.
5. Circulatory system problems
Did you know that your heart rate increases some time after smoking marijuana? This effect can even last up to three hours.
This certainly endangers those who suffer from heart disease. Because this irregular heartbeat can increase the risk of heart attack.
Apart from that, marijuana also causes blood pressure to rise and makes the eyes red because the blood vessels dilate.
Read more Smoking Causes Stupidity in Children
6. Inhibits fetal and infant growth
Like cigarettes, smoking marijuana during pregnancy also affects fetal brain development. Not only that, this psychotropic can also slow down fetal growth, cause defects, increase the risk of premature birth and increase the risk of leukemia in the fetus.
In breastfeeding mothers, a chemical in marijuana called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) passes into breast milk and inhibits the baby's growth. If it enters your little one's body, the effects can be very fatal. This is because the bodies of newborn babies tend to be still in the process of development and their immune system is still not perfect.
Beware of the Effects of Long-Term Marijuana Use
You can often feel the effects of marijuana on your body's health immediately. Meanwhile, the long-term effects depend on several factors. Starting from the user's age, how it is used, how much it is used and how often it is used.
Here are some of the long-term effects marijuana can have on the body:
Memory loss.
Lung irritation.
The risk of lung cancer increases, although research does not fully support this.
Development of cannabinoid hypnomesis syndrome causing nausea and vomiting.
Concentration and memory problems due to exposure that occurred while in the womb.
That's the information about marijuana that you need to know. It's best to never try this plant. Because, psychotropics generally easily make someone addicted to the point that it is difficult to get rid of them.
Someone who is addicted to narcotics also needs to undergo a rehabilitation process. The rehabilitation procedure also consists of a number of stages with different durations. However, generally it takes a long time to completely recover from addiction to psychotropic substances. Immediately contact a psychiatrist to get appropriate treatment immediately.

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