Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Even if You Are Addicted

Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Even if You Are Addicted
If you want to quit smoking, there are several ways you can try to be successful. You can start by writing down a list of reasons why you want to stop and also asking for help from a doctor. It's not easy to stop smoking, but with strong determination and the desire to have a healthier body, you can do it.

In implementing effective methods to stop smoking, support from your doctor and those closest to you is also very important. There are several important steps you can follow, namely preparing to stop smoking, quitting, and staying quit.

To achieve this goal, you can do the following things:

1. Make a list of reasons to stop smoking

Make a list of reasons to stop smoking
One effective way to stop smoking is to write down the reasons why you want to quit and keep remembering those reasons at every opportunity. These reasons can be motivation to make it easier for you to stop smoking. 


Apart from that, you should also get rid of all items related to smoking, such as ashtrays and lighters. You can also set a target time to start quitting smoking and when you will stop completely. Don't forget to tell your friends, family and colleagues that you are trying to quit smoking so they can provide support and not offer you cigarettes.

2. Avoid smoking habit triggers


Avoid smoking habit triggers
The next effective way to stop smoking is to avoid factors that can trigger you to smoke again, such as hanging out with friends who also smoke or consuming caffeinated and alcoholic drinks. 


If you usually smoke after eating, try to find other ways to divert the urge, for example by chewing gum, eating a snack, or even brushing your teeth. When the urge to smoke comes, try to restrain yourself for a while and find something else to do, such as taking a walk, exercising, or doing an activity that you like.

3. Try counseling

Try counseling
Counseling can help you identify the factors that trigger smoking and formulate ways to stop. You can seek help from a psychologist as an effective way to stop smoking. To increase your chances of success, you can also consider nicotine replacement therapy, such as chewing gum, using a patch, inhaler, or nasal spray containing nicotine.

4. Always say 'no' to cigarettes


Always say 'no' to cigarettes

When you have decided to stop smoking, try to be disciplined with yourself. Maybe sometimes you will be tempted to smoke and think, "Just one cigarette is okay." 


But keep those thoughts at bay! Even if it's just one cigarette, smoking a cigarette can trigger you to continue smoking again and again. So, restrain yourself and say 'no' to cigarettes.

5. Prepare yourself for nicotine withdrawal symptoms

Prepare yourself for nicotine withdrawal symptoms


When you stop smoking, your body will lack nicotine. This can cause nicotine withdrawal symptoms which are characterized by feeling sick, nauseous, dizzy, restless, or irritable. Usually, people who stop smoking will also cough


These symptoms will appear around 12-24 hours after stopping smoking and will subside within 2-4 weeks. Don't be tempted to return to smoking even if you experience disturbing symptoms. Once your body gets used to being without nicotine, these symptoms will disappear by themselves and you will be free from cigarettes.

6. Do relaxation therapy

Do relaxation therapy
Quitting smoking can make you feel stressed, but you can overcome it with various relaxation methods, such as getting a massage, listening to classical music, or doing breathing techniques. You can also do light exercise, such as yoga or jogging, to reduce stress.

7. Try hypnotherapy


Try hypnotherapy


Another effective way to stop smoking is to try hypnotherapy. Although there is no definite proof of its effectiveness in stopping smoking, some people claim to feel the benefits.

Quitting smoking is not easy ....


If all the methods above have not worked or you are still experiencing difficulties, you should consult a doctor so they can determine an effective way to stop smoking that suits your condition


Doctors can also prescribe medications, such as bupropion or varenicline, which can help you stop smoking, both conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

Remember, trying to stop smoking is a long process. But never give up and keep trying. Good luck in quitting smoking and having a healthier life!


How to Quit Smoking

Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Even if You Are Addicted Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Even if You Are Addicted Reviewed by irvan mulya on 5:39 AM Rating: 5

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