This was revealed in a joint statement from the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI), Forum Indonesian Parliament (IFPPD), Coalition for Healthy Indonesia (KuIS) and National Committee for Child Protection (Komnas PA), in a press conference on Monday (18 / 6), YLKI Office, Duren Tiga, Jakarta Selatan.
"Getting a healthy environment free from tobacco smoke is a human rights every citizen is guaranteed in the constitution," said Tulus Abadi from YLKI.
For that, the state must give protection to every citizen of cigarette smoke exposure is proven to endanger health. If you let the citizens from secondhand smoke exposure, then it means that the state violates human rights.
Based on existing scientific literature, tobacco and tobacco products 4000 proved to contain chemicals that are harmful to human health, and 25 of these chemicals can stimulate the incidence of cancer (carcinogenic).
In addition, according to health economists analyzes R & D Department of Health, Soewarta frame, if calculated with income per capita per year in 2005 for 900 U.S. dollars, the total cost of the lost 4.870 billion U.S. dollars.
Tobacco and poverty are linked. From the results of a national health survey showed, among very poor households spend more for tobacco than spending for education and health. "This phenomenon has resulted in widespread malnutrition of infants from poor families," he said.
"In addition, tobacco has been threatening the rights of the child," said Vice Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection, Muhammad Joni.
According to data of 2004, the majority of smokers are still children. As many as 78 percent of smokers start the habit of smoking tobacco under the age of 19 years. The increase in smokers who started at age 5-9 this year increased 47 percent from 2001 to 2004.
World Health Organization (WHO) has made a comprehensive legal framework and mutually beneficial nature of the social aspects, economic, health and labor. Legal framework is set out in the FCTC. Currently, the FCTC has been ratified by 147 countries of the WHO's 168 member countries that signed the FCTC. Ironically, the Indonesian Government has not signed the FCTC precisely when the first became actively involved in discussions and drafting FCTC in Geneva, Switzerland.
For that, among non-governmental organizations (NGOs) urged the Indonesian Government and the Parliament to be assertive and responsive to the FCTC is a way to prepare a policy framework towards accession. NGOs also urged the House of Representatives to immediately discuss the draft Tobacco Products Control Impact of Health is currently bagging 226 House members signed or reached 40.7 percent of the total number of members of the House.
25 Cancer Causes Chemical Substances Present in Cigarette
Reviewed by irvan mulya
6:25 AM

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