Lung cancer is a deadly disease that must be watched out for. Based on Globocan 2020 data, the number of lung cancer cases in Indonesia is in third place as the largest type of cancer with 34,783 cases (8.8 percent) behind breast cancer and cervical cancer.
Lung cancer occurs in the cells of the walls of the lung organ's airways which form uncontrollably. People who smoke are the group most at risk of developing lung cancer.
Not only in active smokers, apparently the risk of lung cancer also lurks in people who are 'only' exposed to cigarette smoke or passive smoke. Passive smoke is divided into two groups, namely secondhand smoke (SHS) and third hand smoke (THS).
"Secondhand smoke is direct exposure. For example, if third hand smoke is exposed to residue on the table, on the curtains, no one is smoking, but there is a smell of cigarette smoke, that also poses a risk," said the specialist. Dr. Sita Laksmi Andarini, PhD, SpP(K) in a press conference, Monday (4/12/2023).
Dr. Sita asked the public to be more careful about the harmful effects of cigarette smoke. He explained that an active smoker has a risk of lung cancer 13 times greater than someone who doesn't smoke at all.
"In passive smokers, the risk of lung cancer is still around 4 times higher compared to those who don't smoke at all," he explained.
Regarding the risk of lung cancer in passive smokers, Dr. Sita said that collaboration between various parties is needed to overcome this problem. Starting from regulations regarding smoke-free spaces to public awareness not to smoke carelessly.
"Primary prevention is needed, the first is regulations from the government that provide smoke-free rooms. For example, in cafes you are not allowed to smoke, or you are allowed to smoke but in special places," said Dr. Sita.
"Secondly, we must try as much as possible to avoid exposure to this air. Starting from cigarette smoke or perhaps air pollution, we should also avoid it as much as possible. Apart from that, the most important thing for smokers is to stop as much as possible," he concluded.
More details for passive smokers are:
1. Respiratory Diseases
Passive smokers have a high risk of developing various respiratory diseases, including asthma and bronchitis. Cigarette smoke contains dangerous chemicals such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde which can damage the respiratory tract and cause inflammation.
2. Heart and Blood Vessel Disease
Exposure to cigarette smoke can increase the risk of heart disease and blood vessel problems. Toxic substances in cigarette smoke can cause plaque to build up on artery walls, which can ultimately lead to coronary artery disease and heart attacks.
3. Cancer
Passive smokers have a higher risk of developing various types of cancer, including lung cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer. Cigarette smoke contains carcinogenic compounds that can damage DNA and trigger the growth of cancer cells.
4. Impact on Children's Health
Children who are exposed to cigarette smoke have a higher risk of experiencing respiratory problems, such as upper respiratory tract infections, asthma, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). In addition, exposure to cigarette smoke can affect children's brain development and cognitive function.
5. Gastrointestinal Diseases
Some studies have shown that secondhand smoke may also have a higher risk of developing digestive tract diseases, including liver disease and colon cancer.
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Passive smokers cannot completely avoid the negative impacts of tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is important for society to increase awareness of the health risks associated with passive smoking. Preventive measures, such as creating smoke-free environments and supporting anti-tobacco policies, can help protect individuals from serious health risks that can arise from exposure to secondhand smoke.
Courtesy :
Passive Smokers, 'Just' Inhaling the Smoke Have 4 Times the Risk of Lung Cancer
Reviewed by irvan mulya
4:14 PM

this is great article . can you write again topic about this ?
no problem
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