Cigarettes are poisons that are very harmful to body health. However, there are other facts about cigarettes that you need to know!
World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every May 31 2016. This movement aims to draw world attention to the dangers of smoking and its negative impact on health.
The smoking habit causes various health problems and deaths of 5.4 million people every year. In commemoration of World No Tobacco Day, let's look at six smoking facts that are very worrying:
1. Cigarettes are a dangerous killer.
Smoking causes 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This means that one in five deaths in the country is caused by smoking. Smoking causes a greater death rate than various diseases such as HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use and traffic accidents.
2. Smoking is associated with an increased risk of various diseases.
Smoking is associated with an increase in various diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Smoking causes 90% of deaths from lung cancer, as well as a 25-fold increase in people getting lung cancer.
3. Not just lung cancer, smoking is linked to various other cancers.
Smoking is associated with various types of cancer. One of the most popular is the relationship between smoking and lung cancer. However, smoking not only causes an increased risk of lung cancer, but also an increased risk of bladder cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer and respiratory tract cancer.
4. Smoking causes problems for pregnant women and the fetus.
Smoking can make it more difficult for women to get pregnant and affect the health of the fetus before and after birth. Smoking also increases the risk of premature birth, fetal death and low birth weight babies.
5. Quitting smoking leads to a reduction in various health risks.
Quitting smoking has a significant impact. By quitting smoking you will reduce the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. Within one year after stopping smoking, the risk of stroke will fall to the same level as people who do not smoke. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus will decrease by 50% in five years.
6. The fact that spending on cigarettes is just below spending on basic commodities. This fact adds to concerns about the reality about smoking.
"The results of the BPS (Central Statistics Agency) calculation of household expenditure in Indonesia are quite surprising, where cigarettes have become the second largest expenditure after basic commodities," said the Director General of Nutrition and Maternal-Child Health (KIA) Ministry of Health, Anung Sugihantono at the launch public service advertisement entitled Suara Hati Anak in the Mega Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Friday, May 27 2016. Data from the 2014 Global Youth Tobacco Survey stated that the prevalence of smoking among children aged 13 to 15 years was 20.3 percent.
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