It turns out that cigarettes are not only dangerous for those who smoke. Cigarettes can also be dangerous for those who don't smoke but often inhale the smoke, aka passive smokers. The impact of inhaling cigarette smoke is far worse than the smokers themselves. One of them is the emergence of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in children who often inhale cigarette smoke.
This disease is divided into 3 types based on the number of joints affected, symptoms, length of time, and the presence of specific antibodies in the body:
1. Pauciarticular:
This type affects about 50% of children with arthritis. It usually involves 4 or fewer joints, such as the knee, ankle, or elbow.
2. Polyarticular:
About 30-40% of children with arthritis suffer from this type. This type is more serious and usually affects 5 or more small joints, such as the hands and feet. Also, it tends to occur on both sides of the body.
3. Systemic:
This type of arthritis is the most serious. However, this type is also the most rare. Can affect one or more joints, accompanied by inflammation of internal organs such as the heart, liver, spleen and lymph nodes.
So, now what is the relationship between inhaling cigarette smoke and the risk of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis? Apparently, exposure to cigarette smoke and other harmful particles in the air during pregnancy and after birth was found to be a potential risk factor for the development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children.
Pollution from outside air such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and other particles originating from vehicles and factories can cause inflammation in children and adults. This happens because this pollution triggers the production of inflammatory proteins in the body such as interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
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Exposure to cigarette smoke is a significant risk factor for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Apart from that, exposure to cigarette smoke after a child is born can also cause joint problems in children.
So, this is the reason why pregnant women and children should be kept away from cigarette smoke, especially when outside the home. Wear a mask to protect your body from the effects of inhaling cigarette smoke.
Parents should also stop smoking for the sake of their own and their children's health. Remember, passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking, and this must be treated early.
How to Quit Smoking

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